Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One of the most important powers that Government has is the power to tax and it seems to me that this is a power about to get out of control. Our nation is in recession and we are going to see states have problems making their budgets work.When this happens all of us know that tax increases are on the way. This will turn out to be a vicious circle, as unemployment rises tax revenues decrease, this causes the state to in turn want to raise taxes As taxes go up many business will have to lay off more people which in turn causes tax revenue to go down. This process raises some questions in my mind. If I lose income in my life I must tighten my belt and figure out how to get by on less, but not the state their solution is as always raise taxes.Something must be done to change this mindset of our state representatives and they must understand that we the people will not tolerate tax increases in hard times. I believe that in order to get this done me must change the way that we run the government budget process and we must make it more difficult for our elected officials to raise taxes.

1 comment:

  1. Way to Step Up Rick!

    For those seeking information about Rick, he will, without a doubt, lead the way for Liberty and restoring Iowa to what the Founders envisioned for the Hawkeye state.

    There are rolls for the Federal government, but the Founders envisioned the State's governments to be more in tuned and more of an impact on the issues of the daily lives of We the People, more so than the Federal government.

    Limited impact upon the lives and desires of We the People, allowing us to raise our children, live our lives and spend our money as we see fit, not as they see fit.

    If you feel you have the Right to make the decisions which best suit you and your family, then with no doubt, Rick will work to ensure others will stay out of your way.

    Iowa will benefit with Rick standing for the People of Iowa vs. eyeing you and your children as just another resource for their will.

    Time to stand up for your Rights, your fellow Hawkeyes and ensuring your children will have a better state and nation than you have, then support Rick in his effort to represent you and your will.

    Rick Marlar for District 45 Iowa State Senate!
