Thursday, July 9, 2009

We begin today

Hello to all who will read this as you can tell by the blog, my name is Rick Marlar and I intend to run for State Senate in the 45 district of Iowa in 2010. I will be running as an Independent candidate because the two parties who control our political process are, in my opinion, the reason for the conditions of our country and our state. The Republicans and the Democrats do not want to solve the problems that exist today because if they did, then we the people would not look to them for the answers. It is a fact that when problems exist , people turn to government. The Founders of our country knew that the answer to the issues of the day must be solved by the people of that day. Today our government wants to put costly patches on problems and pass the cost on to future Americans who might not even be born yet. The main purpose of Government today is control, and that should not be. Government should not be involved in social issues to the point of spending tax dollars. Should I be elected to the Iowa Senate, my main function will be to make government smaller in every way. Less taxes, and less control on peoples lives. Over the next sixteen months, I will be laying out an issue by issue account of what I would like to see changed in our wonderful state.
I will not just be talking in platitudes but I intend to deal with the issues of the day with an in depth manner.Please feel free to join in with the debate because all ideas are welcome here.

1 comment:

  1. Rick, What we need in Iowa is a No vote. Compare the bill that is before you to the Iowa Constitution/US Constitution and if it doesn't meet to it's specification in your mind, a NO vote is in order. GW Bush grew the size of the Fed by 33% in 8 years, more than Clinton with similar "power" and all he had to do was VETO. Who cares that it would have passed anyway and he would have lost "political power", he would have stood on principal which is what we need. I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions, however, it's also paved with good people that chose to do nothing when they should have been doing something. And by doing something I mean Saying "NO!"...."NO" is all we need to resonate the house. No compromise. The only thing a village raised was an idiot. We don't get further along by using all our brains. That is like saying lets all eat this sandwhich and digest it in a collective stomach. It's impossible.

    Good to have you on board. Way to go on Dease.
